About the Presenter
Matthew D. Taylor, Ph.D.
Matthew D. Taylor, Ph.D., is a Senior Scholar and the Protestant Scholar at ICJS, where he specializes in Muslim-Christian dialogue, Evangelical and Pentecostal movements, religious politics in the U.S., and American Islam. Taylor holds a Ph.D. in Religious Studies and Muslim-Christian Relations from Georgetown University and an M.A. in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. His book, Scripture People: Salafi Muslims in Evangelical Christians’ America (Cambridge University Press), offers an introduction to the oft-misunderstood Salafi movement in the U.S. by way of comparison with American Evangelicalism.
About the Moderator
Tom Hall is the host of Midday, the award-winning, highly rated news and public policy program on WYPR Radio. Tom joined the WYPR staff as the Host of Choral Arts Classics in 2003. After 10 years as the Culture Correspondent and then host of Maryland Morning, Tom became the host of Midday in September, 2016. Tom was appointed music director emeritus of the Baltimore Choral Arts Society in 2017, after serving for 35 years as music director. From 2015 to 2017, Tom partnered with ICJS on ”Living Questions,” a monthly program on WYPR’s Midday show that explored religion and ethics in contemporary life. He is the co-author of The Bach Passions in Our Time: Contending with the Legacy of Antisemitism, published by the ICJS.