Session #1: Intro and Catholic Reflections on Economic Justice
Session #2: Muslim Reflections on Economic Justice
Session #3: Jewish Reflections on Economic Justice
Session #4: Protestant Reflections on Economic Justice
Course Schedule
Session #1: Introduction & Catholic Reflections
Shoulder-to-Shoulder Dialogue; Dorothy Day and the Deserving/Undeserving Poor (Heather Miller Rubens).
Session #2: Muslim Reflections on Economic Justice
Said Nursi on Justice (Zeyneb Sayilgan).
Session #3: Jewish Reflections on Economic Justice
Society and Accountability; The rabbinic interpretation of the Sodom and Gomorrah story (Ben Sax).
Session #4: Protestant Reflections on Economic Justice
How do religious values shape our interpersoanl economic relationships; The Apostle Paul and a 1st Century Slaveowner (Matt Taylor).