Make the gift of a lifetime with a contribution that costs nothing today
Make the gift of a lifetime with a contribution that costs nothing today
All it takes is a commitment to support ICJS beyond your lifetime. Members of The ICJS Legacy Society have made a future gift to building an interreligious society.
Benefits for You:
You can include ICJS (and other charities) as a beneficiary in your will or estate plan. It’s easy to update your will to add charity beneficiaries. Or, if you don’t have a will or estate plan, now is the ideal time to start.
Using your IRA to fund your gift to ICJS can be a tax-advantaged way to leave a legacy gift. Visit your retirement plan’s website and search for “update beneficiary.”
Contact the ICJS Development Office for information on other options on how to make a legacy gift, including options that can give you or your family income in your lifetime.
The Institute for Islamic, Christian & Jewish Studies, Inc.
956 Dulaney Valley Rd., Baltimore MD 21204
Federal ID# 52-1531016
If you have included ICJS in your will or estate plan, please let us know! Complete this simple form and return it to ICJS.
Laura Urban, ICJS Director of Development
956 Dulaney Valley Rd, Baltimore, MD 21204
(410) 494-7161, ext. 2004
lurban at
ICJS does not provide financial counseling or estate planning services. For tax or legal advice, please consult a professional financial advisor or an attorney.