Class 1—The History and Politics of Defining Antisemitism
Class 2—Israel and Antisemitism: Two definitions, two worldviews
Class 3—Definitions of Hate as Political Engagement: Antisemitism in the 21st Century
About the Presenter

Benjamin Sax, Ph.D., ICJS Head of Scholarship and Jewish Scholar
Ben Sax serves as the Head of Scholarship and the Jewish Scholar at the Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies in Baltimore. Ben is an experienced professor, university administrator, scholar, award-winning teacher, public speaker, and practitioner and facilitator of interreligious dialogue. Before arriving at the ICJS, Ben was director of the Malcolm and Diane Rosenberg Program in Judaic Studies and the founding faculty principal at the West Ambler Johnston Residential College at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. In addition to publishing on topics relating to Jewish philosophy, German-Jewish history and culture, Jewish-Christian relations, and interreligious dialogue, Ben has discussed his work on PBS and Baltimore’s NPR affiliate WYPR.