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Emerging Religious Leaders Intensive (ERLI)

Tri-faith encounter to transform leaders

Building on a decade of success, ICJS expanded the 2023 session of the Emerging Religious Leaders Intensive (ERLI), a week-long course on interreligious dialogue, to include leaders in training from all three Abrahamic faiths—Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Until now, the program focused on either dialogue between Jewish and Christian or between Muslim and Christian students.

Participants in ERLI 2023 described the experience as intense, challenging, and transformative.  

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ERLI 2024 Photos

“ERLI should be a required experience for seminary students. Despite the diversity around us, we rarely have the opportunity to speak with other faiths so vulnerably, respectfully, and extensively. I am walking away with a clearer sense of the challenges, urgency, and hope interreligious dialogue entails.

Alex Malanych

ERLI 2023 student

What is ERLI?

Testimonials from ERLI participants and leaders